For your passport how much do you have to pay?

Recent my findings – or a hypothesis – is that the Japanese passport is most expensive in the world. Hereby I want to try a comparison how much you have to pay to get your passport of your nationality. Please leave a comment here with how much you have to pay to obtain your passport in your country, as well as who is the issuer in your country. After gathering a good number of samples I will write a summarizing article here.

Passport is the first document you need to go abroad. The moment you get a stamp on it on a border is an exciting moment to get into a new country. After a few trips, your passport will be like a stamp collection of many inbound and outbound stamps of the countries where you traveled.

In Japan, when you get a 10-year-valid passport, you have to pay JPY 16,000 to the authority, which is around USD 170 or EUR 125. It has 48 pages, thus the cost per page is c.a. EUR 2.60. The passport includes machine-readable page and IC-chip page in the middle. It is issued by the ministry of foreign affairs.

So, how much do you have to pay for your passport of your nationality? And who is the issur of your passport? Please leave the comment below!

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